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February 2015: Moving Day!

February 2015 2Metro CareRing is now officially Metro Caring! This is only one of the many changes that have come with Metro Caring’s new Hunger Relief Center. This beautiful new facility will not only allow Metro Caring to continue to bring over 2 million pounds of food to the hungry each year, but will be crucial in implementing some amazing new programs!

Metro Caring is planning health & wellness programming to not only feed their clients, but improve their lives altogether.

Each day of the week there will be special resources available to clients:

Mondays: Heart health screenings

Tuesdays: Therapist appointments

Wednesdays: Diabetes screenings

Thursdays: Alcohol & tobacco counselor

Fridays: Financial coaching

Attached to Metro Caring’s new facility is a greenhouse, where they will be growing ingredients that local restaurants will use. Metro Caring is also going to use the greenhouse to facilitate job readiness with different training programs.

99% of Metro Caring’s food is donated, & they accept all donations, big & small! Donations of regularly sized grocery bags & newspaper bags are also great for packaging toiletries.

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600 17th Street
Suite 600N
Denver, CO 80202